sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Algo más surrealista aún

The Flaming Lips

Si por algo son reconocidos es por su extravagante forma de vestirse en sus presentaciones, así se puede apreciar verdaderamente el estilo de esa banda, buenos siempre en lo bizarro y en lo innovador pero sobretodo en su música, letras de canciones y buen gusto.

por cierto...
Aviso: The Flaming Lips se van a presentar en el Motorokr en el mes de Octubre así que estén pendientes en México.
Los dejo con éste video que es gracioso pero tiene mucho sentido en lo que dice.
¿Tú que harías?

The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song (With All Your Power)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

If you could blow up the world with the flick of a switch
Would you do it? (Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)
If you could make everybody poor just so you could be rich
Would you do it? (Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)
If you could watch everybody work while you just lay on your back
Would you do it? (Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)
If you could take all the love without giving any back
Would you do it? (Ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya, ya)

And so we cannot know ourselves
Or what we'd really do
With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do?

With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do?

If you could make your own money and then give it to everybody
Would you do it? (No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)
If you knew all the answers and could give to the masses
Would you do it? (No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no)

Are you crazy?
It's a very dangerous thing to do exactly what you want
Because you cannot know yourself, or what you'd really do

With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do? (x4)


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